Seams Bride Colleen wore a rbullockbride bridal gown for her Tredegar
Seams Bride Colleen wore a rbullockbride bridal gown for her Tredegar from


It's 2023 and weddings are still a special occasion. One of the most critical tasks of preparing for a wedding is getting the wedding gown ready. Ironing a wedding gown is a delicate task that requires patience and skill. Here we will cover the basics of how to iron a wedding gown in 2023.

Types of Wedding Gowns

Wedding gowns come in a variety of materials and fabrics. It is important to know the type of fabric you are dealing with before beginning to iron. Some fabrics are more delicate than others and require special care when ironing. Common fabrics for wedding gowns include silk, satin, chiffon, tulle, organza, and lace.

Preparing to Iron

Before beginning to iron your wedding gown, it is important to make sure you have the necessary supplies. You will need a good iron and an ironing board. It is also important to have a clean, lint-free cloth to place between the iron and the fabric to protect the gown from scorching. You will also need a spray bottle filled with water to help remove wrinkles.

Ironing the Gown

When ironing a wedding gown, it is important to start with the inside of the gown and work your way out. Start by ironing the inside seams and then the rest of the fabric. When ironing the front and back of the gown, move the iron in a slow, circular motion. Be sure to keep the iron moving so that the fabric does not scorch. Use the spray bottle to mist the fabric lightly if it is not smooth and wrinkle-free.

Ironing the Bodice and Skirt

When ironing the bodice and skirt of the wedding gown, it is important to be extra careful. The fabrics used for these parts of the gown are often very delicate and require special attention. Start by ironing the seams and then move on to the rest of the fabric. Make sure to use the clean, lint-free cloth between the iron and the fabric to protect the delicate fabric. If the fabric has beading or embroidery, make sure to avoid those areas when ironing.

Ironing the Train and Veil

The train and veil of a wedding gown are often made from light and delicate fabrics. When ironing these parts of the gown, it is important to use a very low setting on the iron. Iron the train and veil from the inside out, starting with the seams and working your way out. Make sure to use a clean, lint-free cloth between the iron and the fabric to protect the delicate fabrics.

Finishing Touches

Once the ironing is complete, it is important to check the gown for any remaining wrinkles. If there are any wrinkles that cannot be removed, it is best to take the gown to a dry cleaner who can steam the gown. This will help remove any remaining wrinkles and give the gown a finished look.

Cleaning and Storage

Once the wedding is over, it is important to take care of the wedding gown. Make sure to dry clean the gown as soon as possible to remove any stains and keep it in a clean, dry place. It is also important to store the gown properly. If the gown is stored in a plastic bag, make sure to use a breathable bag so that the fabric does not become damaged. Also, if the gown is stored for a long period of time, make sure to check it periodically for any signs of damage.


Ironing a wedding gown can be a daunting task. However, with the right supplies and a bit of patience, it can be done. It is important to know the type of fabric you are dealing with and to use the proper tools and techniques. With these tips, you can make sure your wedding gown is ready for the big day. Good luck!