What is the best way to fill in the gaps between the and wall
What is the best way to fill in the gaps between the and wall from www.reddit.com


In every home, the kitchen is undoubtedly one of the busiest rooms. It is the place where meals are prepared, dishes are washed, and family members gather to share their day. However, sometimes even the most well-planned kitchen can have some issues that need to be addressed. One of the most common problems is the gap between the cabinet and wall. In this article, we will explore the causes of this gap and provide some solutions to fix it.

What Causes the Gap?

There are several reasons why a gap may exist between your kitchen cabinet and the wall. One of the most common causes is the unevenness of the wall. If the wall is not straight, it can create a gap between the cabinet and the wall. Another reason may be the settling of the house. Over time, the foundation of the house can shift, causing the walls to move and creating gaps. Finally, the cabinets themselves may not be installed correctly, resulting in gaps between the cabinet and the wall.

The Risks of Having a Gap

Having a gap between the cabinet and wall may seem like a minor issue, but it can actually result in some serious problems. One of the most significant risks is the accumulation of dirt and debris. The gap can create a space where dirt, crumbs, and other debris can collect, making it difficult to clean. Additionally, the gap can be a breeding ground for bugs and rodents, which can create health hazards.

Solutions to Fix the Gap

Fortunately, there are several solutions to fix the gap between the cabinet and wall. One of the most effective methods is to use a filler strip. A filler strip is a piece of wood that is cut to fit the gap and is then attached to the cabinet. This will help to close the gap and create a more secure fit between the cabinet and wall. Another solution is to use caulk. Caulk is a sealant that can be applied to the gap between the cabinet and wall. It will help to fill in the gap and create a smooth, even surface. However, it is important to note that caulk may not be as effective as a filler strip in closing larger gaps. Finally, if the gap is caused by an uneven wall, it may be necessary to repair the wall before attempting to close the gap. This may involve adding a layer of drywall or plaster to even out the wall surface.


In conclusion, the gap between the cabinet and wall is a common issue in many kitchens. However, it is important to address this problem as it can lead to some serious issues. By using a filler strip, caulk, or repairing the wall, you can close the gap and create a more secure fit between the cabinet and wall. Remember to consult a professional if you are unsure about how to fix the gap, as it is important to ensure a safe and secure kitchen environment.